Cell Assembly Required Lab Activity

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WARD470024-226 WARD470024-196
470024-196KT 182.79 USD
470024-196 470024-226
Cell Assembly Required Lab Activity
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Create 3-D Cell Models Using Realistic “Cytoplasm”

  • Students Build Individual Cells and Organelles
  • Materials are Re-useable
  • Time Requirements: At least two 50 minute lab periods
Students can apply their knowledge about the structures found within plant and animals cells with this creative, hands-on activity. They will create their own cell organelles with the supplied colored clay or with any other materials that they wish to use. The organelles are then placed into a specially-developed “melt-and-pour” cytoplasm, which solidifies into a clear matrix that holds the organelles firmly in place. The model remains solid indefinitely, unlike models that are made with gelatin. All of the components are reusable, simply remove the organelles, melt the cytoplasm, and reform it. The kit includes enough materials for eight setups, a teacher’s guide, and student copy master. A refill kit is available and contains only consumable component items it does not contain additional student or teacher guides.

Ordering information: Materials include Round containers, Square containers, Cytoplasm material, Poster set, plant and animal cell, Red clay, Yellow clay, Blue clay, Green clay, Plastic wrap, 95% Ethanol, Teachers guide, and Student copy master. Microwave or hot water bath, Freezer or refrigerator, Gloves, and Masking tape are needed but not included.