Elements and the Periodic Table Curriculum Learning Module provides Complete set of digital and hands-on resources. Each module includes: 1 Flip Chart Set; 1 Student Learning Guide; 1 Vocabulary Card Set; 1 Curriculum Mastery Game (4 players); and 1 Interactive Multimedia Lesson.
Orbit Organic Chemistry Models Class Kit, to understand the variety of organic molecules, Contains twelve kits and instructions, learn about key concepts in organic chemistry through hands-on activities, Compatible with Hubbard Molecular Model Kit R-MOD2
Orbit Molecular Models Class Kit, Contains twelve model kits and instructions for guided learning, Students make models of 6 base pairs each that can be joined together to make a molecule of up to 72 base pairs, Compatible with Hubbard Molecular Model Kit R-MOD1
Priciples of stoichiometry, This kit has been designed to allow students to perform experiments to see what types of reactions occur when various solutions are mixed together
Density Lava Lamp Kit, Includes: 5 Plastic bottles, 1L Vegetable Oil, 25ml Food Coloring, 10 Alka Seltzer tablets, Help to visualize and understand density and introduce the idea of polarity as well with this demonstration for the whole classroom, For grades 2-5