115L For Clean-In-Place systems. For removing a wide variety of contaminants from stainless steel, glass, and plastic surfaces. Extremely free-rinsing, phosphate-free.
Low-foaming alkaline liquid detergent. Effective in removing a wide variety of contaminants from stainless steel, glass, and plastic surfaces. Its lowfoaming characteristics prevent pump cavitation and phosphate-free and disposable straight to the drain. 55gallon drum
1QT Formulated for use in manual, soak or ultrasonic cleaning of labware, scientific apparatus and process equipment. Contrex* AL is free-rinsing, phosphate-free and disposable straight to drain.
1Gal For high-pressure cleaning applications. Phosphate- and chlorine-free. For critical cleaning of labware where total rinsability and residue-free results are vital and plant cleaning, such as biotechnology.
25LB For use as an enzymatic detergent for use in manual or soak cleaning of labware and equipment contaminated with proteins and fats. Contrex* EZ prevents corrosion, is free-rinsing and disposable straight to drain.
4LB For use as an enzymatic detergent for use in manual or soak cleaning of labware and equipment contaminated with proteins and fats. Contrex* EZ prevents corrosion, is free-rinsing and disposable straight to drain.
10L For high-pressure cleaning applications. Phosphate- and chlorine-free. For critical cleaning of labware where total rinsability and residue-free results are vital and plant cleaning, such as biotechnology.
55Gal For high-pressure cleaning applications. Phosphate- and chlorine-free. For critical cleaning of labware where total rinsability and residue-free results are vital and plant cleaning, such as biotechnology.
115L For high-pressure cleaning applications. Phosphate- and chlorine-free. For critical cleaning of labware where total rinsability and residue-free results are vital and plant cleaning, such as biotechnology.
5L For manual scrub cleaning of any labware. Replaces caustic soap powders. Highly concentrated. Near-neutral, pH is skin-safe. Phosphate-free, very rinsable and biodegradable. Instantly soluble, totally rinsable, safe, near-neutral pH and phosphate-free.
1L For removing hard water salt deposits from glass, plastics, metals. Dissolves most salts left behind from hard water. Great for animal cages. Non-foaming formulation allows its use in automatic washers and spraying equipment
1L Phosphate-free, chlorine-free, and biodegradable. Cleans glass, plastic, ceramic, and ferrous metals by soaking, manual scrubbing, or ultrasonic cleaning. Contrad 70 is free-rinsing and disposable straight to the drain.