Kit, Stem Investigations: Design A Biodegradable Plastic, Includes: 25 mL Glycerin, 75 mL Vinegar, 175 g Gelatin, 125 g Starch, 45 Petri dishes, 30 Pipettes, contains enough materials for 15 groups. Teacher's Manual and Student Study Guide copy masters are included
Kit is climate change making us sick, Conduct simulated antibody tests for allergens, Graph and analyze data to determine if there is a correlation between temperature, pollen counts, and allergy symptoms, Refill pack contains all materials to refill 10 kits
Kit is climate change making us sick, Conduct simulated antibody tests for allergens, Graph and analyze data to determine if there is a correlation between temperature, pollen counts, and allergy symptoms, Single, Time: 1-2 forty-minute class periods
Kit is climate change making us sick, Conduct simulated antibody tests for allergens, Graph and analyze data to determine if there is a correlation between temperature, pollen counts symptoms, unassembled 10-pack contains all materials to assemble 10 kits
Green Fuel Cell Kit, Kit Includes: 15 x 6 inch pieces Dialysis Tubing, 25 g Glucose for 200ml, 10 g Yeast for 200ml, 5ml Methylene Blue, 1%, 5ml Potassium Ferricyanide, 1 Phosphate Buffer, 15 Red and Black Connecting Wires, 2 Electrodes, 1 sheet Filter paper
The Climate Action Kit empowers students to tackle climate change issues while learning important digital skills for 21st-Century Learning.5 different project-based lessons that focus around Life on Land
Healthy Plants Kit, Contains: 30 Plastic cups(5/7oz), 60 Bean seeds, 30 wicks, 1bag Soil/Vermiculite, Nutrient Powder, Acid Rain Solution, Designed for older elementary students to help them examine/understand the needs of plants for growth and survival, For grades 3-5