Digital Counter For event counting, a fixed counting period can be programmed in a range from 0.1 ms to 99999 s. Counter events (e.g. start or stop) can either be triggered by a signal to the input sockets or manually via switches. The unit includes a plug-in power supply.
Vibration generator for exciting oscillating and waves mechanically, e.g. in coil springs, a rubber cord, a wire ring or a Chladni plate. In robust plastic housing including mounting pin with 4-mm socket for attaching accessories
Accessories for vibration generator (U56001) for demonstrating standing longitudinal waves in a coil spring. Consisting of angled stand rod, coil spring and connector pin for attachment of the spring to the vibration generator.
Resonance Wire, Ring Shaped, For demonstrating the vibration knots in determination of different frequencies. Wire ring with 4 mm plug. Diameter: 290 mm
Overhead Math Resource Kit, include most popular overhead manipulative for teachers. Also included are fraction and decimal chart transparencies as well as 1 cm & 1in square graph transparencies
Function generator with external sweep function and power amplifier for use in versatile student and practical experiments covering simple harmonic oscillation, AC electricity and induction. Featuring illuminated, digital display for frequency, signal form
Fraction Resouce Kit, Includes: fraction circle set, fraction square set, overhead fraction circle set, fraction bar set with work book and guide, fraction chart, a Focus on Fraction book and a Fraction Circles activity book