Freezing Point Depression, Kit Includes:2x25 g Di-Tert-Butyl-4-Methylphenol Crystals, 1x25 g p-Dichlorobenzene Crystals, 1x25 g Stearic Acid Flakes, 1x25 g Naphthalene Flakes UN1334, The experiment will be repeated with each of two unknowns
Priciples of stoichiometry, This kit has been designed to allow students to perform experiments to see what types of reactions occur when various solutions are mixed together
Density Lava Lamp Kit, Includes: 5 Plastic bottles, 1L Vegetable Oil, 25ml Food Coloring, 10 Alka Seltzer tablets, Help to visualize and understand density and introduce the idea of polarity as well with this demonstration for the whole classroom, For grades 2-5
Soap Power Kit, Includes: 6 x 5ml Dropper Bottle Liquid Dish Soap, 2 Foam Trays, 6 Plastic Trays, 6 Pepper Packets, Demonstrate the concept of surface tension to the classroom using soap as a power source, For Grades 2-5
Exploring the Solubility Rules a Guided Inquiry kit, Experiment Challenges Students to Identify Patterns Within the Experiment and Then Apply That Knowledge in a Practical Exercise, with New Twist to an
Properties & States of Matter Curriculum Learning Module provides Complete set of digital and hands-on resources. Each module includes: 1 Flip Chart Set; 1 Student Learning Guide; 1 Vocabulary Card Set; 1 Curriculum Mastery Game (4 players); and 1 Interactive Multimedia Lesson.