Wave Apparatus Demo - Metal, Consisting of a number of eccentric disc supporting a series of metal rods on revolving the handle. For demonstrating longitudinal and transverse motion.
Diffraction Grating Glasses, 500lines/mm, Highly efficient, Single axis holographic diffraction grating lenses separate light from any source into its spectral components for study/analysis, Used with Power Supply/ Spectrum Gas Tubes, Make study of light easy
Wave Apparatus - Plastic, Demonstrate Longitudinal And Transverse Waves, Advanced Apparatus Demonstrates Both Longitudinal And Transverse Wave Motions. Consisting Of A Number Of Eccentric Discs Supporting A Series Of Metal Rods Revolving On A Handle
Vibration Generator, Variable Frequency From 1 Hz To 300 Hz,Vibration Generator Provides The Electronically Controlled Vibrations To Generate The Tender Ripples. This Can Work On Square Wave Generator Of Amplitude Adjustable Upto 12V Max & Is Able To Deliver 15 Watts Of Power.