Front and Hind Legs of a Horse (Equus ferus caballus), Specimen, Real, Each front leg up to and including the shoulder blade and each hind leg up to the hip joint. Rigidly mounted on a base plate, Size: 50 - 200 cm, Weight: 100 - 1200 kg, Age: 20 - 50 years
Real Striped Skunk Skull, natural, bone, is easily recognized by its characteristic warning colors and pattern, A member of the Mustelid family, the striped skunk can emit a noxious spray when defending itself from danger, Average Length: 8.2cm (3.2in)
Domestic Pig Skeleton (Sus scrofa domesticus), male, Specimen, real skeleton of an adult domestic pig consisting of approximately 223 individual bones, which are rigidly connected to each other, Length: 1.30-1.50cm, Width: 40-50cm, Height: 75-90cm, 75-120 kg
Domestic Pig Skeleton (Sus scrofa domesticus), Female, Specimen, real skeleton of an adult domestic pig consisting of approximately 223 individual bones, which are rigidly connected to each other, Length: 1.30-1.50cm, Width: 40-50cm, Height: 75-90cm, 75-120 kg
Model, Labor Stages, mounted individually bases: Fetus in womb, cervix closed, Fetus in womb, cervix open, Fetus in womb, start of head passage, Fetus in womb and pelvis, finish of head passage, Placenta in the womb, Dimensions: 40 x 31 x 13 cm, weight: 2 kg
Model, Physical Eye, can be used to demonstrate the optical functions of the human eye, Half eyeball with adjustable iris diaphragm, lens holder and 2 convex lenses (f = 65 mm and 80mm), on a rod, Dimensions: 49 x 5.5 x 18 cm, Weight: 2.45 kg
Cow longitudinal section of bone, front leg bone, to view internal structure, periosteum, solid bone layer, spongy bone, medullary canal, yellow bone marrow, red bone marrow, epiphysial line, head of the long bone with articulating surface of the hyaline cartilage* * Ward's preserved cow material is a byproduct of the food industry. Cows are not raised specifically for dissection. This animal material is "recycled" for educational use.
Pigeon Skeleton (Columba livia domestica), Specimen, using real, prepared bones, which are rigidly connected with each other for stability, Height: Approx. 60 - 70 cm, Width: Approx. 40 - 60 cm, Length: Approx. 50 - 60 cm, Weight: Approx. 3.5 - 4.5 kg
Model, Chicken skeleton (Gallus gallus domesticus), disarticulated, Complete and non-assembled skeleton bones without pre-drilling, Ideal for demonstrating the typical bone structure and anatomy, Size: 30-40 cm, Weight: 2-5 kg, Age: 4-8 years