Ward's® AP Chemistry Investigation 9: Liquid-Liquid Extraction: What's in that Powder?

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Ward's® AP Chemistry Investigation 9: Liquid-Liquid Extraction: What's in that Powder?
Educational Materials Chemistry Educational Materials Applied Chemistry Learning Activities
Meets AP Science Practices 1, 4, and 6

  • Addresses Big Idea 3
  • Materials provided for 30 students working in pairs
  • Investigation includes updated literature aligned with new AP Chemistry curriculum standards
Liquid-liquid extraction is a method used for the separation of a mixture using two immiscible solvents. The ability to separate the different compounds in a mixture using this technique depends upon how differently the compounds of the sample mixture partition themselves between the two solvents. In this laboratory activity, students will explore liquid-liquid extraction techniques and ultimately separate and identify the components of an unknown pill powder. Includes salicylic acid and acetanilide powder, ethyl acetate, hydrochloric acid, anhydrous magnesium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate solution, and sodium chloride solution. Requires hotplate, separately funnel, Buchner funnel, glass funnel, side arm flask, vacuum filter or aspirator, filter paper, analytical balance, Excedrin, watch glass and drying oven (optional), available separately.

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Ordering information: Activity includes Salicylic Acid and Acetanilide Powder, Hydrochloric Acid, Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Chloride, and Ethyl Acetate. Materials required but not provided are Pill Powder, Hot Plate, Beakers, Erlenmeyer Flasks, Separatory Funnel, Buchner Funnel, Funnel, Side Arm Flask, Ring Stand, Vacuum Filtration apparatus, Graduated Cylinders, Filter Paper, Balance, Stir Rods, Watch Glasses, Drying oven (optional), Ice Both, Steam Bath, Gloves, Safety Goggles, and Lab Aprons.