Forensic Analysis of Glass Kit

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470024-236KT 249.99 USD
470024-236 470213-412
Forensic Analysis of Glass Kit
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Can broken glass crack the case?

  • NGSS Physical Science DCIs PS1, PS3
  • Pre and post-laboratory assessments
  • Links to real world concepts
  • Estimated class/lab time required: 160 minutes over 2-4 days
This lab demonstrates how intrinsic properties of glass can be used to distinguish common types of glass. Students will analyse radial and concentric patterns in the glass and how each type gives information on the direction of the force that impacted the glass. Students will practice their inference skills as they work to reconstruct a crime through theorising the sequence of events resulting in multiple trauma patterns on glass. While doing this activity students’ utilize NGSS Physical Science Disciplinary Core Ideas PS1 (Matter and its Interactions) and PS3 (Energy)

This kit has been aligned with all published National Standards. Pre- and Post-laboratory assessments and vocabulary words all target specific Science and Engineering Practices and common core standards. The teacher guide also contains specific “Did You Know” concepts that link the real world with the scientific standards explored.

Ordering information: Kit contents include Dissecting forceps, Glass plate (5 x 5”), Glass plate (8 x 8”), Tempered glass plate (4 x 10”), Pyrex beaker (50mL), Laser pointer, Protractors, Rulers, Package of nails, Spool of thread, Plastic zipper bags, Hand lenses, Masking tape, Clear tape, Glass vials, Plastic vials, Half circle petri dishes, Vegetable oil, Clove oil, Black construction paper, Chipboard, and Foam sheets. Materials required but not provided are Fume hood, distilled water, goggles, gloves, apron, steroscope (optional), lead crystal (wine) glass, electronic balance (0.001 g), scalpel, beaker, 50 mL, scissors, calculator, hammer, paper towels, white paper, and lab marker.