Science Take-Out® A Medical Mystery Of Epidemic Proportions

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470017-750EA 22.05 USD
470017-750 470017-751 470017-790 470017-852
Science Take-Out® A Medical Mystery Of Epidemic Proportions
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Microbiology Learning Activities
Is This Epidemic Caused By A New Strain Of Bacteria?

  • Available As A Single Kit With Materials For 1 Student Or Group
  • Unassembled 10 Pack For Additional Savings
  • No Additional Equipment Needed
Explore a real-life case study about a cholera epidemic. Why are people who have been vaccinated against cholera getting sick? Conduct simulated laboratory tests to identify the disease-causing organism. Determine why people who have had cholera or been vaccinated do not have immunity. Develop a plan for preventing the spread of cholera. This complete experiment setup contains all materials and does not require lab equipment.