3B Scientific® Female Pelvis Models

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470103-220EA 457.45 USD
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3B Scientific® Female Pelvis Models
Models Human Biology Models
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  • Includes 3B Smart Anatomy
These life size models allow for examination of the female pelvis from the most basic 3 part model, Showing general pelvis structure, to the 6 part which shows thee associated muscles, nerves, blood vessels, organs and pelvic floor. Each model has additional study value, allowing you to choose which is right for you.

Pelvis Model:
Divisible into Left and right Halves, left side of 5th Lumbar Vertebra removable
Ligamentary Model:
All of the 3-part model, also shows Ligamentary connections on one side of the model.
Muscular Model:
Everything above as well as muscular connections and partial reproductive organs.
Pelvic Floor Model:
All materials from the 3 models above as well as complete pelvic floor musculature, complete organs, and vein and nerve pathways.

Accessories information: For information about 3B Smart Anatomy, please see the document attached on this page.