3B Scientific® Male Pelvis Models

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1013026 1013282
470103-248EA 435.15 USD
470103-248 470103-250
3B Scientific® Male Pelvis Models
Models Human Biology Models
These models are natural casts of a male, boney pelvis. They both show all anatomical structures in detail: both hip bones, pubic symphysis, sacrum and coccyx as well as the fifth lumbar vertebra with intervertebral disc.

  • Includes 3B smart anatomy
A median section has been placed through the fifth lumbar vertebra, the sacrum and the coccyx, so that the pelvis, which is held together by practical magnets, can be split into two halves.

This means that part of the cauda equina is also visible in the vertebral canal. The left half of the fifth lumbar vertebra is held together by magnets and can also be removed.

For additional details the 7 part model also includes Ligamentary structure, pelvic floor musculature, interior and exterior reproductive organs, artery, vein and nerve pathways.

Accessories information: For information about 3B smart anatomy, please see the document attached on this page.