Electrical meters

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PH1074B PH1079/BL PH1080A PH1084B PH1074A-1 PH1074A-2 PH1074A-4 PH1076A-1 PH1078A PH1078B PH1080A-1 PH1080A-2 PH1076A-2 MGV002 PH1080H PH1080G-B PH63029 PH63032 4-130918-40 MGV001
470006-762EA 35.1 USD
470006-762 470006-764 470006-766 470016-998 470122-070 470122-072 470122-074 470122-076 470122-078 470122-080 470122-082 470122-084 470135-000 470105-320 470105-394 470152-310 470225-192 470225-194 470235-766 470339-906
Electrical meters
Electrical Meters Voltmeters
Full-sized and fully enclosed, these meters are economically priced and offer ±2.5% accuracy.

  • Comprehensive selection
  • Ideal for student labs
  • Full-sized
  • Fully enclosed
  • Accuracy: ±2.5%
The meters are mounted in a plastic case and have a 7.5 cm scale length.

They feature a five-way binding post and an external zero-adjust calibrating screw.