Franck Hertz Experiment – Neon

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Franck Hertz Experiment – Neon
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Properties of Matter Learning Activities in Physics
Observe the spectral lines of neon atoms.

  • Includes all major components
  • Observe energy levels on an oscilloscope
The neon atoms are enclosed in a glass tube with four electrodes: the cathode K, the grid-type control electrode G1, the acceleration grid G2 and the target electrode A. Like the Franck-Hertz experiment with mercury, the acceleration volt- age U is continuously increased and the current I of the electrons which are able to overcome the opposing voltage between G2 and A and reach the target is measured. The target current is always lowest when the kinetic energy directly in front of grid G2 is just sufficient for collision excitation of the neon atoms, and increases again with the acceleration voltage. We can observe clearly separated luminous red layers between grids G1 and G2; their number increases with the voltage. These are zones of high excitation density, in which the excited atoms emit light in the visible spectrum.

Neon-Franck-Hertz Tube
Socket for Neon-Franck-Hertz-Tube
Neon-Franck-Hertz Connecting Cable, 6-pole
Franck-Hertz operating device
Oscilloscope 30 MHz, two-channel, analogous
Screened cable BNC/4 mm plug (2)