Electron Spin Resonance

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470220-118KT 23532.1 USD
Electron Spin Resonance
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Electricity/Magnetism Learning Activities
The Electron Spin Resonance determines the magnetic field as a function of resonance frequency.

  • All Major Components Included
  • Experiment Verifies Electron Spin Resonance in DPPH
  • DPPH: Diphenylpicryl-Hydrazyl
  • DPPH Is a Radical with a Free Electron Present in a Nitrogen Atom
  • Evaluation's Aim: to Determine g Factor
The experiment verifies electron spin resonance in diphenylpicryl- hydrazyl (DPPH). DPPH is a radical, in which a free electron is present in a nitrogen atom. In the experiment, the magnetic field B which fulfills the resonance condition the resonance frequencies n can be set in a continuous range from 13 to 130 MHz. The aim of the evaluation is to determine the g factor.

Ordering information: Kit Includes: ESR basic unit; ESR control unit; Pair of Helmholtz coils; BNC cable, 1 m (2); Saddle Base (3); Connecting lead 32 A, 25 cm, black; Connecting lead 32 A, 50 cm, red; and Connecting lead 32 A, 50 cm, blue. Required but not included is an Oscilloscope 30 MHz, two-channel.