Viable Pea Seeds

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7052 821LB 825LB 821 820LB 820 820*30G 821*1 OZ. 821*LB
470111-162PK 7.4 USD
470007-180 470030-272 470030-268 470030-266 470049-962 470111-162 470105-818 470030-270 470007-182
Viable Pea Seeds
Specimens Live Specimens Plants - Living Material
Learn genetics like Mendel.

  • Seeds of multiple Phenotypes
  • Variable sizes for each seed type
Use these peas in any lab activity, not just genetics. Peas are an excellent option for germination, growth, and genetic experiments.

Accessories information: Where a Count of Seeds is indicted, the Quantity is an estimate based on Weight and may vary slightly.