Optimized Fermentation of Yeast

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470221-564EA 46.2 USD
Optimized Fermentation of Yeast
Educational Materials Environmental Educational Materials Environmental Learning Activities
Integrate STEM Into Your Chemistry Experiments!

  • Utilize probeware to collect data
  • For use with Neulog logger sensors
  • All necessary chemicals are required
Through the use of a gas pressure sensor, you will be able to monitor the pressure change in a sealed environment and the pressure change provides an indication of the rate of CO2 production. Yeast will be exposed to four different sugar solutions and the overall pressure changes for fermentation in each sugar solution will be compared, providing an indication as to how effective the fermentation process is in the presence of each of the sugars. With this data students will determine the optimum food source for yeast by monitoring growth rate and respiration. 

Ordering information: Kit includes Glucose, Sucrose, Lactose, Fructose, Yeast, Teacher's Guide and Student Copymaster. Neulog Pressure Sensor, Neulog data logger, Basic labware, Goggles, Gloves, and Aprons are required but not included.