Texas Geoblox Landform and TEKS Models

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Texas Geoblox Landform and TEKS Models
Have your students build their own models while covering a wide variety of curriculum

  • The Landform Models Covers the 10 ecoregions of Texas
  • The TEKS Models include activities which are correlated to the TEKS Standards
These sets are comb bound and can be used as a copymaster to produce enough for your entire class or you can enlarge the patterns to use them as demonstration models.

Texas Ecoregions includes:
Balcones Escarpment - Edwards Plateau/Blackland Prairie Boundary; Barrier Island - Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes; Caprock Escarpment - Rolling Plains/High Plains; Cuesta - Cross Timbers; Exfoliation Dome - Edwards Plateau (Llano Uplift); Igneous Intrusion - Trans-Pecos; Inselbergs - Rolling Plains; Levee - Pineywoods; Meandering Stream - South Texas Plains; Playa Lakes - High Plains; Stair Step Topography- Edwards Plateau

TEKS Grades 3&4 cover and include:
TEKS § 112.14. Science, Grade 3: (b)(3)(C), (b)(7)(A,C), (b)(8)(B,C,D), (b)(10)(A), and TEKS § 112.15. Science, Grade 4: (b)(3)(C), (b)(7)(A,B,C), (b)(8)(B,C), (b)(10)(A).
Shield Volcano vs. Composite Volcano, Paricutin Cinder Cone, Earth—Moon Comparison, Soil Formation, Earthquake, Fault Line, Landslide, Mountains, Hills, and Valleys, Pie Slice of the Sun, Scale Model of the Earth-Moon System, Scale Solar System Model, Trilobites, Delta Deposition, Meandering Stream, Straight Cone Nautiloid, Porous and Impermeable, Primary Porosity-Roundness, Primary Porosity-Sorting, Groundwater Zones, Soil Creep, Formation of Coal, Formation of Petroleum, Water Cycle, Sundial, Ammonoid Evolution - Background Information, Ammonoid - Straight Suture, Ammonoid - Goniatitic Suture, Ammonoid - Ceratitic Suture, Ammonoid - Ammonitic Suture, Ammonoid Suture Pattern Activity

TEKS Grade 5 cover and include:
TEKS § 112.16. Science, Grade 5: b7(A,B,D), b8 (B,D), b9 (A,D), b10 (A).
Sedimentary Rock Formation, Formation of Coal, Formation of Petroleum, Barchan Dune Erosion and Deposition, Stream Erosion and Deposition, Cavern Formation, Delta Deposition and Distributary Shifting , Exfoliation Dome, Longshore Current, Sea Cliff Erosion, Headland Erosion, Ordovician Marine Environment (Straight Cone Nautiloid, Horn Coral ,Trilobite), Water Cycle, Earth—Moon Comparison, Nitrogen Cycle, Marne Carbon Cycle, Eurypterid (Pterygotus buffaloensis)

TEKS Grade 7 cover and include:
TEKS § 112.19. Science, Grade 7: TEKS b 8(A), b 9(B,C), b 10 (C), b 11(B,C), b 12(A).
Disappearing Stream, Barrier Island, Llano Estacado, Normal Fault, Lowering Water Tables-Industrial Development, Artificial Levees Disrupt Deposition, Mount St. Helens, Ammonoid Suture Pattern Activity, Ammonoid Evolution Activity, Fish Evolution (Hemicyclaspis, Dunkleosteus , Eusthenopteron), Evolution of Jaws
TEKS Grade 8 cover and include:
TEKS § 112.20. Science, Grade 8: TEKS b 7(A,C), b 8(A, E), b 9(B,C), b 10 (A, C), b 11(C, D).
The Reason for the Seasons, Far Side High Tide, Barred-Spiral Galaxy, Spiral Galaxy, Origins of the Universe, Rift System, Topographic Landforms, Land Breeze, Sea Breeze, Coastal Desert, Rain Shadow Desert, Ekman Spiral, Hurricane Development - Initial Conditions, Hurricane Development - Convection Cells Form, Hurricane, Hurricane (Exaggerated Scale), Ichthyostega Activity, Oil Production Destroys Wetlands, Subsidence Due to Oil Production, Groin, Landfill, Wetlands Before Spoil Banks, Wetlands After Spoil Banks
About Geoblox: Geoblox reproducible block models, developed by Earth Science teacher John Koonz, were designed to supplement topics in Life and Earth Sciences, providing each student with their own three-dimensional display of the structures and concepts most commonly discussed in class. These models are especially useful for students with tactile and visual learning styles.
Models are easily assembled by middle and high school students. Merely copy the detailed model plans onto cardstock and distribute them to your students. Students color the models, then cut them out using either scissors or X-acto knives. Tabs are folded along the dotted lines and glued into place. By seeing various landforms and biological structures in three-dimensions, students may have an easier time understanding how they develop and function. Models can also be copied to a transparency and enlarged, creating an oversized model for permanent classroom display. Each page features a model complete with instructions for construction.