Curriculum Mastery® Science Flip Charts

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346011 344001 346012 343001 345001 346007 346014
470039-798EA 54.45 USD
470039-798 470039-796 470144-538 470144-666 470039-794 470144-400 470144-486
Curriculum Mastery® Science Flip Charts
Colorful pictures, explanatory text, and a writable/erasable surface make these activity charts ideal for class work, group work, and individual student study.

  • Each chart set features 10 double-sided, laminated charts on a sturdy easel
Aligned to grade-specific national standards, these sturdy chart sets present comprehensive overviews of various science subjects. Side one of each chart uses graphics and text to describe science concepts, while side two can be written on with a dry-erase marker and features exercises, activities, vocabulary review, and more. An activity guide is also included with copy masters of each chart, review questions, suggested projects, and more.