Mini Ripple tank

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470225-338EA 306.7 USD
Mini Ripple tank
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Waves and Oscillations Learning Activities
Stop wave motion in its tracks!

  • Comes with a full set of 5 acrylic shapes for refraction, 3 aluminum plates for reflection and 3 dippers for plane and circular wave generation
  • Full instructions and power adapter included
This apparatus uses modern technology to completely update the Ripple Tank concept to provide a compact and elegant method of showing the wave phenomena of diffraction, refraction, reflection and interference with none of the usual problems. The tank is 4” (100mm) square and is supported on a base which provides the wave generator and lighting. Images of the water-waves produced are projected upwards on to a frosted screen which is viewed from above. The white light source can be switched between constant illumination and strobe to give either moving or frozen images on the screen. In the strobe mode the light source is synchronized to the wave generator so that perfectly static patterns are displayed. The wave frequency can be varied giving wavelengths in the tank ranging from several cm to a few mm.