BoneClones® Human Female Skull with Multiple Gunshot Wounds

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470228-136EA 429 USD
BoneClones® Human Female Skull with Multiple Gunshot Wounds
Models Human Biology Models
This trauma skull of a human female shows three small-caliber entrance gunshot wounds at the left side of the occipital bone.

  • Shows three gunshot wounds
  • Two overlapping wounds
  • Shows damage from projectiles
Two of these wounds overlap to create a figure "8" appearance. Much of the squamous region of the right temporal bone is missing, as are portions of the bilateral superomedial orbital walls. Although both of these wounds may in fact be "blow out fractures," they may also represent (at least partially) damage resulting from the passage of the projectiles out of the head.

Ordering information: The osteological evaluation report (PDF) will be sent with the purchase of this specimen.