Rudiger® Skeleton Hardware Replacement Kits

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A309.16 A309.17 A309.19 A309.18
470228-154EA 45.1 USD
470228-154 470228-156 470228-158 470228-160
Rudiger® Skeleton Hardware Replacement Kits
Models Human Biology Models
Sets of those hard to find parts.

  • Replace the hardware on older skeletons
  • Matches your existing hardware from Rudiger
Each of these convenient sets allows you to replace a section of hardware for your Rudiger Skeletons. Each kit contains the material to replace all the hardware at one joint.

Arm Kit: Replaces the assembly at one shoulder and contains 1 U-Bracket, 2 Thumbscrews, 1 Threaded Pin, 2 washers and 1 Screw.

Leg Kit: Replaces the assembly at the pelvis to attach 1 leg and contains 1 U-Bracket, 4 Washers, 1 Threaded Pin, 3 Thumbscrews, and 1 nut.

Knee/Elbow Kit: Includes the hardware to reattach at a knee joint and contains 1 eye screw and 1 thumbscrew.