Muscle Histology Bundle

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470230-958EA 1240.79 USD
Muscle Histology Bundle
Models Human Biology Models
Compare Muscular Structure With Models And Slides

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The Ward's Muscle types models represent small sections of muscle fiber that are designed based on structure viewed from microscope slides. Each of the three models represents a different muscle type (Cardiac, smooth, and skeletal) and show features common to all and unique to each. an included key helps identify specific structures and allowing for easy comparison between the types. The three included microscope slides are Ward's own high quality preparations. The first slide allows for comparison of each muscle type is section. Students can compare structures seen on the slide with the model for that muscle type. A second slide shows skeleton muscle with the fibers teased apart and stained to show striations and the nuclei that make this type of muscle so distinct. The final slide shows motor neurons, the cells that signal muscular action.