Loop the Loop with Scale

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470230-120EA 81.65 USD
Loop the Loop with Scale
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Mechanics Learning Activities
Loop the Loop apparatus to demonstrate potential to kinetic energy.

  • To demonstrate transformation of potential into kinetic energy
  • For demonstration of conservation of energy, momentum and projectile motion
  • Total Height - Approx. 21”
  • Base Size 23” x 6” Base
  • Includes 0.75” steel ball
  • Loop the Loop looks like the track of a roller coaster
Labs Deluxe Loop Apparatus with scale. To demonstrate transformation of potential into kinetic energy. For demonstration of conservation of energy, momentum and projectile motion. Loop the Loop looks like the track of a roller coaster. The curved metal V track allows you to drop a steel ball from the top and watch the results. Depending on the height at which it is dropped the ball will roll completely around the interior of the track or will drop to the ground. Track has yellow painted scale A circular scale is attached to the device for measuring the angle at which the ball drops and the track is also graduated to determine the distance. Includes 0.75" steel ball. Base Size 23" x 6" Base Total Height - Approx. 21"