Starry Night Web Subscription

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470310-458EA 563.79 USD
470310-458 470310-460
Starry Night Web Subscription
Software Earth Science Educational Software
Dynamically navigate through the universe on a web browser!

  • All Exercises underwent a comprehensive review and update
  • Exercises have been enhanced with Guiding Questions, Key Concepts, Did You Knows, and dozens of new images to help illustrate phenomena
  • Expanded asteroid catalog with highlighted/highlightable families and groups
  • Exclusive Extragalactic 3D Database includes over 100000 galaxies encompassing over one billion lights years of space
  • Stunning new user interface with Search, locates sky objects, and more
  • New highly detailed surface textures of planets and major moons
  • Hundreds of unique object descriptions for stars, planets, moons, satellites, deep sky objects and more
Starry Night Middle School® is now available as a web-based application you can use over the internet with a web browser. It remains the best way to teach all your Astronomy and Space Science topics, but now without the need to install any CD’s, download any software, or worry about upgrades. With Starry Night Web you can access your favorite astronomy application from a desktop computer, tablet, or Chromebook.

Starry Night is the only space science curriculum that combines an interactive sky simulator, lesson plans correlated to state and national standards and extensive teacher resources in one easy-to-use package.

Topics Covered: Earth, Moon and Sun; Solar System; The Planets; Solar System bodies; Star Finding and Constellations; The Sun as a Star; The Stars; Galaxies and the Universe; Space Exploration and Technology.

Expanded set of “Space Missions” including 30 new detailed and accurate 3D models of spacecraft and their trajectories, Updates to new/ongoing missions.