Leybold Products Digital Laue Diagrams: Investigating The Lattice Structure of Monocrystals

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Leybold Products Digital Laue Diagrams: Investigating The Lattice Structure of Monocrystals
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Applied Physics Learning Activities
The X-ray image sensor allows capturing the Laue pattern in one minute (much faster than conventional film) and the digital evaluation eases the determination of the diffraction angles on the computer.

  • Elastic and plastic deformation
  • Conduction phenomena
  • Magnetism
  • Applied solid-state physics
To create Laue diagrams of NaCl and LiF monocrystals, the bremsstrahlung of the X-ray apparatus is used in the experiment P7.1.2.5 as a "white" spectrum of  X-rays. The positions of the "multicolored" diffraction spots on an X-ray image sensor behind the crystal and their intensities can be used to determine the crystal structure and the dimensions of the unit cell through application of the Laue condition.