Sewable LED Moons

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470311-288PK 6.25 USD
Sewable LED Moons
Educational Materials Arts and Crafts Kits and Supplies
Color changeable sewable moons. Add cool decorations and color to your interactive textile projects. These moons can be used without a microcontroller but requires a sewable battery holder. Use it with your LilyPad or other textile ready microcontroller.

  • RGB programmable colors
  • Fun design to go along with the sewable stars
  • Resistors are on the board
  • Larger size so they can be easily sewn
These cool LEDs have a built-in resistor. They rely on conductive thread. Our high-quality conductive thread is a perfect companion to these sewable moons. With the battery removed, fabrics with electronics can be washed. Conceptually, these circuits are identical to their wire-and-solder counterparts, observing the same principles of polarity and resistance. Only the materials, methods and sometimes scale are different. There is a lot more to sewable circuits than LEDs. Check out the Sparkle Labs E-Textile kit.