Aeronautics: Drone Obstacle Challenge

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470312-850EA 199.7 USD
Aeronautics: Drone Obstacle Challenge
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Applied Physics Learning Activities
In teams of one to two, the students will build a drone, learn to fly a drone, design and test a drone obstacle course, and finally compete to fly a drone fastest through student-designed drone obstacle courses.

  • Kit includes drone for one to two students in total
  • Grades 6 - undergraduate
  • Is matched to the next generation science standards
  • This kit can be taken apart and reused
  • Extra battery included
Students will be:
Building a drone using individual drone parts and a manual
Designing and building a drone obstacle course using the supplies listed
Racing against classmates to complete all student-designed obstacle courses

You may want to add:
1. Designated timers for the races/completion of student obstacle courses.
2. Completion competition versus fastest times if students are not able to complete all obstacle courses or are extremely challenged by the obstacles.

You need:
A large grassy or soft ground area that will accommodate the courses.
If needed, limit course size to accommodate your space.
A storage area for the course parts.
Discuss safety in drone manual, especially considering flying the drones close to other people.

Ordering information: Supplies needed: 1. Pool noodles with holes; 2. Yard stakes or wooden dowels that fit inside of noodle; 3. Duct tape; 4. Large grass area finally compete or land that will accept yard stakes or wooden dowels; 5. Optional: hula hoops.