Graduated Measuring and Volumetric Pipettes, Polypropylene

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302765-0002 302765-0010 303005-0001 302765-0001 303005-0005 303005-0025
470313-782CS 312.7 USD
470313-782 470313-784 470313-786 470313-788 470313-790 470313-888 470313-890 470313-892 470313-894 470313-896
Graduated Measuring and Volumetric Pipettes, Polypropylene
Pipettes Graduated Pipettes
Disposable pipettes perfect for every lab use.

  • Available in graduated or volumetric styles
  • Available in variety of sizes
Translucent polypropylene graduated measuring and volumetric pipettes resist breakage. Each pipette has blue graduations, ring mark, and inscriptions. These plastic pipettes are ideal for chemistry and biology applications. They can be used as disposable or multi-use devices. When cleaning, it is recommended they be washed with mild alkaline detergent up to 60 °C. Exposure to temperatures above 60 °C may cause volume changes.