Set of Components for Electronics Experiments, 3B Scientific

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470233-846EA 834.79 USD
Set of Components for Electronics Experiments, 3B Scientific
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Electricity/Magnetism Learning Activities
Assortment of components for basic experiments in the area of electronics using a component plug-in board.

  • In a storage case with matching foam inlay
Experiment topics:
Characteristics of a semiconductor diode
Characteristic of an LED
Characteristic of a zener diode; Transistors
Characteristics of a transistor
LDR photoresistor (light dependent resistor)
Thyristors in DC circuits;
Temperature response of NTC and PTC thermistors
Delayed switching processes
Characteristics of a field effect transistor
Check for mains hum
Bridge rectifiers.

Delivery information: Contents – 1 Set of 10 Jumpers; 1 Resistor 100 Ω, 2W; 1 Resistor 470 Ω, 2 W; 1 Resistor 1 kΩ, 2 W; 1 Resistor 4.7 kΩ; 1 Resistor 10 kΩ, 0.5 W; 1 Resistor 47 kΩ, 0.5 W; 1 Electrolytic Capacitor 100 µF, 35 V; 1 Electrolytic Capacitor 470 µF, 16 V; 1 E 10 Socket, socket upward facing; 1 Set of 10 bulbs, 12 V; 100 mA; 1 Set of 10 bulbs, 4 V; 40 mA; 1 Single-Pole Rocker Switch; 1 Single-Pole Push-Button Switches, normally open; 1 Single-Pole Push-Button Switches, normally closed; 4 Si-Diodes 1N 4007; 1 Ge-Diode; 1 Zener Diode ZPD 6.2; 1 LED green; 1 LED, red; 1 LDR 05 Photoresistor; 1 NTC Thermistor 2.2 kΩ; 1 PTC Thermistor 100 Ω; 1 Potentiometer 220 Ω, 3 W; 1 NPN Transistor BD 137; 1 PNP Transistor BD 138; 1 BF 244 Field Effect Transistor; 1 TYN 1012 Thyristor; 1 Single-Pole Change-Over Switch; 1 Set of earpiece headphones.