Unit Atoms, Bonds, and Accessories

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4143 0391 4141 4142 1958 4144 4084 0390 0399 0392 0395 0389 0400 0394 0396 0397 0426 4140 1957 4150 0398 0393
470320-280PK 13.7 USD
470320-280 470320-270 470320-260 470320-272 470320-262 470320-252 470320-274 470320-264 470320-254 470320-298 470320-310 470320-266 470320-256 470320-300 470320-312 470320-268 470320-258 470320-314 470320-304 470320-316 470320-306 470320-308
Unit Atoms, Bonds, and Accessories
Models Molecular Biology Models
Order extra atoms, bonds, and accessories to supplement your unit sets or to build custom models.

  • Plastic grey bonds and alloy bonds are fit over prongs to connect spheres
  • Flexible white bonds fit over prongs to connect spheres
Large atom spheres have holes which pegs are pushed into to make prongs at all required angles. Different shaped pegs connect spheres and bonds at the correct angles.