VictoryXR® Virtual Dissection

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470325-082EA 15.1 USD
VictoryXR® Virtual Dissection
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Animal Biology Learning Activites
Experience a dissection without an organism!

  • Guided dissection
  • Complete VR lesson
Dissection labs can be both exciting and motivating for students, contributing to a dynamic learning experience. In a deeply immersive and hands-on approach, students are able to answer questions about anatomical structures and processes, to identify patterns across species, and to relate structure to function. In middle and high school lab courses, dissections can be used as evidence for model building and as empirical evidence to support theories.

In this virtual reality frog dissection, students get to explore the anatomy of a female frog inside and out. The frog’s respective organs are scientifically accurate models to scale, allowing students to have a full dissection experience at their own pace. We’ve digitized a licensed science teacher who guides students through the entire experience. Students also use the same dissection tools throughout the lesson--without risk of injury--to add to the lifelike experience of performing the dissection as they move through learning about and examining the frog anatomy for structure and function purposes.

Customizable for class size and duration. Call for specific pricing.

Ordering information: VR Goggles not included. Pricing is a monthly fee based on a single device.