Innovating Science® Distant Learning: ABO/RH Blood Typing

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470329-738KT 25.7 USD
470329-738 470328-348
Innovating Science® Distant Learning: ABO/RH Blood Typing
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Learn about ABO/Rh blood typing.

  • Students will test and determine the ABO/Rh blood types of 4 different simmulated blood samples.
  • Aligned to NGSS Practices
This kit provides the most procedurally accurate simulation of the ABO/Rh blood typing technique available. In this activity, students test and determine the ABO/Rh blood types of four different simulated blood samples using Innovating Science's new simulated blood. Students simply combine the blood samples and antisera, gently agitate the blood typing tray, and observe the results - no toothpicks, no stirring, and no waiting for results required! Kit contains an Instruction Manual and enough materials for 2 groups of students.

Delivery information: Kit includes instructional manual and SDS booklet.

Caution: This product is for use by persons age 13 and up under adult supervision.