The HOBOnet® Wireless Manager module is installed in an RX3000 station. Data is transmitted wirelessly from sensors across the network to the RX3000 station and then uploaded to HOBOlink®, Onset’s innovative cloud-based software platform.
- Wireless manager for the HOBOnet® system
- 450 to 600 meter wireless range and up to 5 extended hops with a wireless repeater
- Simple push button setup for joining a HOBOnet® wireless network
- Powered by rechargeable AA batteries and built-In solar panel or lithium batteries
Ordering information: A complete system requires at least one HOBO® RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station, a HOBOnet® Wireless Manager, and a HOBOnet® Wireless Sensor. HOBOnet® Wireless Repeaters can be added to extend the range.