University Microscopes with LCD Tablet, National Optical

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BTI2-169-SP BTI2-169-ASC BTI2-169-P BTI1-169-SP
470337-682EA 2174 USD
470337-682 470337-684 470337-686 470337-688
University Microscopes with LCD Tablet, National Optical
The Tablet series incorporates a wide range of features designed for university and laboratory use.

  • Connect 5 WiFi devices at one time
  • DIN standard 4×(0.10 N.A.), 10×(0.25 N.A.), 40×R (0.65 N.A.) and 100×R oil immersion (1.25 N.A.) plan objectives
  • All are parfocalled, parcentered and color-coded
  • 3W LED illumination with variable rheostat control
  • Large rackless 140×135mm (5½×5¼") stage; built-in, low profile, ball-bearing mounted mechanical
Combining the features of National's 169 advanced microscope with an Android based tablet system offers unlimited possibilities. Like the Moticam X3, this WiFi digital tablet transmits live images to iOS or Android devices. Use it as a conventional microscope or share live images with colleagues using WiFi tablets, wireless laptops, and wireless devices.

Ordering information: Tablet includes preloaded Motic apps. Microscope features lifetime limited warranty, excluding bulb, cord, and fuse. Tablet: 1 year.