Plate Tectonics Classroom Projects and Chart

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Plate Tectonics Classroom Projects and Chart
A hand made 3D geologic poster and activity set to teach Grades 4 and up about plate tectonics.

  • Classroom project for up to 30 students
  • Hand made posters with real rocks attached
  • Information guide included
  • For display and instruction
Evidence supporting the theory of plate tectonics is presented on the 18×24" wood framed plate tectonic chart. 14 mounted rock specimens illustrate the variety of dynamic processes which help explain the activities of the Earth's crust over time. Included in the classroom project are enough materials for 30 students to develop a clear understanding of how plate tectonics occurred and continues to relate to the Earth today.

The kit contains individual student charts, specimens for each student to add to their chart, and a test kit for making observations and drawing conclusions through the interactive activities included in the collection. An instructive and informative rocks and minerals guide is part of the hands-on classroom kit. Grades 4 and up.