VWR® Wire Carts with Round Posts

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89410-030 89410-046 89410-038 89410-062 89410-052 89410-036 89410-028 89410-040 89410-072 89410-050 89410-026 89410-046 89410-064 89410-042 89410-032 89410-054 89410-066 89410-026 89410-070 89410-058 89410-042 89410-032 89410-060 89410-056 89410-052 89410-034 89410-034 89410-070 89410-028 89410-050 89410-068 89410-058 89410-054 89410-044 89410-068 89410-066 89410-048 89410-038 89410-056 89410-040 89410-064 89410-030 89410-060 89410-048 89410-044 89410-072 89410-062 89410-036
89410-034EA 525.97 USD
89410-034 89410-056 CA89410-066 CA89410-044 89410-032 89410-054 CA89410-042 CA89410-064 89410-030 89410-052 CA89410-062 CA89410-040 89410-050 89410-072 CA89410-060 CA89410-028 89410-038 CA89410-026 CA89410-048 89410-058 89410-036 CA89410-046 CA89410-068 89410-070 CA89410-054 CA89410-032 89410-046 89410-068 CA89410-052 CA89410-030 89410-066 89410-044 CA89410-072 CA89410-050 89410-064 89410-042 CA89410-070 89410-040 89410-062 CA89410-038 CA89410-036 CA89410-058 89410-028 CA89410-056 CA89410-034 89410-026 89410-048 89410-060
VWR® Wire Carts with Round Posts
Feature bright chrome-plated wire shelves and corner posts.

  • Chrome-plated construction
  • Round post design
  • Adjustable in increments
  • Exceptionally durable
Shelves have truss-reinforced edges for exceptional durability. Shelves are adjustable in 5.1 cm (2") increments. Carts can support up to 544kg (1200lbs.) when weight is evenly distributed.

Ordering information: Supplied with four shelves, four corner posts, and four 12.7 cm (5") swivel casters.