3B Scientific® Flexible Ligamentary Painted Skeleton

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1020176 1020177
470007-870EA 1601.6 USD
470007-870 470029-952
3B Scientific® Flexible Ligamentary Painted Skeleton
Models Human Biology Models
Sam offers all the advantages of a 3B Scientific® skeleton. With Sam, you can also demonstrate the movements of the skull via the head joints, and thanks to the fully flexible spine, you can adjust the model to place it in natural body postures.

  • Includes 3B smart anatomy
The unique combination of muscle origins and insertions, the numbered bones, flexible ligaments and flexible spine with a slipped disc between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae clearly the show medical and anatomical interest of this top model's more than 600 structures.

Now available on a stable metal stand with 5 casters!

Accessories information: For information about 3B Smart Anatomy, please see the document attached on this page.