Advanced Earth Science Collection

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1202 + PKG
470112-324KT 335 USD
Advanced Earth Science Collection
Specimens Mineral Specimens Mineral Collections
The Advanced Earth Science Collection features a large, detailed collection of specimens to provide a better understanding of earth’s composition.

  • Study Guide Included
  • Number of Samples: 105
  • Many Rock and Mineral Properties Included
  • Length: 1"
  • Width: 1"
This set contains a total of 105 specimens group packaged in nine separate boxes.

The specimen size is approximately 1 x 1".

Ordering information: This kit includes cleavage and fracture; streak, color and luster; rock-forming minerals, Parts 1 and 2; igneous rocks; metamorphic rocks; sedimentary rocks; and common fossils. Nine specimens illustrating the hardness scale, a streak plate, magnet, magnifier, rock classification tables, a geologic time chart, a key sheet, and study guide are also included.