CENCO® AP Physics Lab 5: Friction

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470018-120KT 181.09 USD
CENCO® AP Physics Lab 5: Friction
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials AP Physics Learning Activities
Students determine the coefficient of friction of a block of wood using three different methods: dragging the block with a force meter, sliding a block down an incline, and pulling a block across a horizontal surface.

  • Measure Three Methods of Friction
  • College Board AP Curriculum-Aligned Labs
  • AP Physics Teacher Wrote Teacher Guides and Student Manuals
  • Material and Instructions for Six Students per Lab Group
  • Ideal for AP I and II, IB, and Advanced Honors Physics Courses
In each method, the free-body diagram helps students identify the forces acting upon the block and leads them into investigating frictional force effects on an accelerating object. The lab is ideal for AP I and II courses, IB courses, and advanced physics courses.

AP and the Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board, which does not endorse and was not involved in the production of these products.

Accessories information: AP Physics instructors authored the teacher's guides and student manuals, which are available separately.

Ordering information: The kit includes a friction block with a hook, 20 N and 10 N spring scales, inclined plane with pulley, stopwatch, tape, string, and protractor. A triple beam balance and masses are required but not included.