CENCO® AP Physics Lab 8: Circular Motion

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CENCO® AP Physics Lab 8: Circular Motion
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials AP Physics Learning Activities
The Circular Motion Lab features two entertaining experiments.

  • Two Entertaining Experiments Included
  • College Board AP Curriculum-Aligned Labs
  • Ideal for AP I and II, IB, and Advanced Honors Physics Courses
  • Material and Instructions for Six Students per Lab Group
  • Flying Pig Included
A second activity uses a flying plastic pig, so students can investigate the circular motion at an angle below the horizontal. The lab includes instructions and materials for up to six students per lab group.

The Circular Motion Lab is ideal for AP I and II courses, IB courses, and advanced honors physics courses and is aligned with the College Board AP Curriculum. AP and the Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse these products.

Accessories information: AP Physics instructors authored the teacher's guides and student manuals, which are available separately.

Ordering information: The kit includes rubber stopper, string, tube, washer masses, stopwatch, and a flying pig. A meter stick, hooked masses, balance, and standard support rods and clamps are required but not included.