Fundamentals of Physics Atomic Spectra Bench

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470017-102EA 93.8 USD
Fundamentals of Physics Atomic Spectra Bench
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Physics Fundamentals Learning Activities
This fun and interactive kit enables students to research atomic spectra and spectral line analysis.

  • Teacher's Manual Included
  • Students Calculate Colored Rods' Wavelength
  • Colored Rods Included
  • Interactive Activities
  • Purpose for Students: to Understand Atomic Spectra and Spectral Line Analysis
With the FUN stand on its side, teachers can place colored rods at different locations, so students can observe the atomic spectra from a gas tube.

Students can also calculate the wavelength of each colored rod based on its distance from the central axis with metric tape and diffraction grating.

Ordering information: This kit includes colored rods, a support stand, instructions, metric tape, and diffraction grating. A gas tube, power supply, and Fun stand are required but not included.