Curriculum Mastery® Game — Science Grade 3

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470039-624EA 135.15 USD
Curriculum Mastery® Game — Science Grade 3
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Scientific Inquiry Learning Activities
Improve student test scores and involve parents in the process.

  • Help students master curriculum
  • Research-based principles
  • Comprehensive coverage for science testing
Fun, exciting, interactive, and inclusive - these sets of content-based games help students master curriculum outlined in the current NSES or NCTM Standards for grades 1–6. Written by teachers using research-based principles, each game has been tested and proven effective in classrooms like yours.

Each Class Pack set of games provides comprehensive coverage of topics required for science testing at that grade level. Engage students in learning with over 750 review cards, each set focused on a specific topic, and an additional 12 double-sided game boards for study and review.

The Class Packs include materials for 36 students, an extensive teacher's guide, a presentation CD featuring interactive review questions for use on your computer or projection unit, and a free introductory online subscription to interactive content, activities, and assessments.

Designed to stimulate parental involvement, the Take-Home edition mirrors the Class pack content through 25 individually packaged games, a parent resource guide, presentation CD, and online subscription. These kits are designed to help parents reinforce science concepts at home in fun, new ways. Each game features a set of 30 standards-based review questions, a double-sided game board, and materials for up to four children.