Denoyer-Geppert® Brain In Cranium

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470007-850EA 921.4 USD
Denoyer-Geppert® Brain In Cranium
Models Human Biology Models
View The Interrelationship Of The Brain And Cranium

  • 6 X Life Size
  • Lens Is Large Enough For Demonstrations
A unique way to view the components of the brain and skull, the six-part brain rests inside a partial head featuring a finely detailed cranium floor. Inner structures of the eye and ear are illustrated, and the left side of the model separates to show the eye with its muscles and optic nerve, the inner and middle ear, pineal gland, quadrigeminal bodies, optic thalamus, 12 cranial nerve roots, caudate and lenticular nuclei, and the vascular system of the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles. The right hemisphere of the brain shows the course of the corpus callosum fiber, and the right side of the cranial cavity reveals the dura mater. The foramen magnum and smaller foramina are also shown.