Force and Simple Machines Kit

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470020-662EA 302.6 USD
Force and Simple Machines Kit
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Mechanics Learning Activities
With custom designed components, this kit covers all the subject areas two or three individual kits usually address.

  • Kit Displays Basic Principles of Force and Simple Machines
  • Teacher's Manual with Full Descriptions of Activities
  • Slide Presentations on Provided CD
  • Fifteen Activities
  • Force Board
Everything necessary to perform 15 different activities is included in one convenient package.

A teacher’s manual accompanies the kit with a full description of activities, reproducible student sheets, and teaching tips. A CD is also included with slide presentations of each experiment that can be performed.

Ordering information: This kit includes a force board, an inclined plane, and a vector board along with a complete set of accessories, including pulleys, spring scales, levers, and a teacher’s manual.