Plant Kingdom Riker Mount Collection

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Plant Kingdom Riker Mount Collection
Specimens Preserved Specimens Display Specimens
The Plant Kingdom Riker Mount Collection is a beautiful, concise display of major divisions.

Each of the twelve mounts in this set contains between three and six labeled representatives from the major plant classes.

Delivery information: This kit includes algae: brown, red, and green; lichens: crustose, foliose, and fruticose; fungi: puffball, cedar apple (gall), bracket fungus, and chanterelle; liverworts: bazzania, marchantia, riccia, and conocephalum; mosses: dicranum, polytrichum, sphagnum, and thuidium; seedless vascular plants: whisk fern, horse tail, club moss, and fern; gymnosperms: pine, yew, juniper, and ginkgo; monocot angiosperms: leaf, flower, stem, and seedling; dicot angiosperms: leaf, flower, stem, and seedling; seed type: legume, achene, caryopsis, nut, samara, and drupe; leaf venation: pinnate (skeletonized), palmate, and parallel; and parasites and epiphytes: Indian paintbrush, mistletoe, and Spanish moss.