Acid Base Indicators, Kit Includes:1x25 ml Hydrochloric Acid, 32% UN1789, 1x10 g Sodium Hydroxide UN1823, 2x30 ml Isopropyl Alcohol, 99% UN1219, 1x30 ml Acetone UN1090
Freezing Point Depression, Kit Includes:2x25 g Di-Tert-Butyl-4-Methylphenol Crystals, 1x25 g p-Dichlorobenzene Crystals, 1x25 g Stearic Acid Flakes, 1x25 g Naphthalene Flakes UN1334, The experiment will be repeated with each of two unknowns
Activity Series Chemistry Kit, To determine an activity series for a group of metals and a group of nonmetals, 15 lab groups, Certification: 49 CFR 173. 4
Molarity Lab Investigation Kit, concepts of molarity, Includes: 400 mL 0.3 M Hydrochloric Acid, 45 mL Phenolphthalein Solution, 5L 0.1 M Sodium Hydroxide, 1200g Sucrose, 400 mL Unknown Hydrochloric Acid No. 1, 2 and 3, has enough materials for 15 groups
Safer Flame Test kit, Identification of Metal Lab, Includes: Boric Acid 10% in Methanol, Sand, Color Flame Candles, Alcohol Burner, Diffraction Slides, Spectroscope, Small Trays, analytical technique used for the identification of certain elements, primarily metal ions