Classification of Chemicals: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Kit, three lab activities to help understand the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures, Kit contains enough materials for 15 groups.
Melt Station, sensor, makes it possible to accurately determine the melting temperature of solid substances, Innovative, adjustable tilt allows for optimal viewing angle, Cooling fan reduces time between tests
CO2 To the Rescue Lab Activity kit, to invent a small device that could rescue a cell phone that accidentally falls into water, Students conduct a pair of chemical reactions to determine which of two acids react with baking soda to produce the most CO2 gas
We begin this program, The Periodic Table, by comparing and contrasting metals with non-metals. We then describe how Dmitri Mendeleev, the scientist who devised the first Periodic Table, organised the elements not just into metals and non-metals but also into groups based on patterns in the way tha
Exploring the Solubility Rules a Guided Inquiry kit, Experiment Challenges Students to Identify Patterns Within the Experiment and Then Apply That Knowledge in a Practical Exercise, with New Twist to an
Elements and the Periodic Table Curriculum Learning Module provides Complete set of digital and hands-on resources. Each module includes: 1 Flip Chart Set; 1 Student Learning Guide; 1 Vocabulary Card Set; 1 Curriculum Mastery Game (4 players); and 1 Interactive Multimedia Lesson.
Melt Station, Weight: 1.0 kg, Capillary tubes: 1.4-1.8 mm outside diameter, 100 mm length, Capillary tube slots: 3, Viewing Lens: 27 mm diameter, Resolution: 0.10 C, Lighting of capillary slots: 3 white LEDs, Accuracy: +/- 0.31 + 0.0006T, where T is temperature in Celsius
Chemistry Investigation, Book, provides AP Chemistry students with 16 inquiry-based laboratory experiments aligned with the inquiry investigations, provides a comprehensive set of resources for the AP Chemistry teacher, including sample data, sample analysis and calculations
Kit, Determination of the Properties of Buffer Solutions, Includes:1x30 g Sodium Acetate, trihydrate, 2x25 g Ammonium Chloride, 1x30 g Sodium Bicarbonate, 4x25 g NaCl, to make 800ml of 0.5M Solution, to make 800ml of 0.5M Solution, 1x15 ml Sodium Hydroxide